About us

In the picture of all advisors

M&A Advisors are busy finding the right party every day, get in contact with them.

45% of the sellers sold their company

45% of the profiles which are removed of our website were successfully sold.

Direct contact with buyers and sellers

See immediately which advisor has added the profile and contact this party.

About Firmenzukaufen.de


The company was established in 2002 and is the largest company acquisition website. We effectively match supply and demand of companies and we do so successfully and on a large scale. To connect our main page visitors - entrepreneurs (starters) and advisers - in a free and accessible way, we have created this interesting platform. The only limitation is the asking price, which must be more than €100,000 on our website. 
Quality is our main motivation. We always contact user before publishing their profile online. We go through the text and we help with editing. Everyone who reacts to a profile receives a reaction within two weeks from the owner of the profile. We speak to our advertisers often, so we know our website is up to date.
International community
The focus of Firmenzukaufen.de is on SME in Germany. In addition, we also have platforms in other countries, such as Bedrijventekoop.nl in the Netherlands, Bedrijventekoop.be and Sociestesavendre.be for Belgium and Bizalia.com for Spain. All together, we reach a large portion of the total (international) market.
Facts and figures
  • An average of 80,000 visitors each month
  • 5,000 views and 12 reactions per profile
  • 250 new profiles every month
  • Weekly newsletter with the newest profiles 
  • Registered database with people looking for a company to buy
  • 45% of our profiles are successfully sold/purchased
  • Every profile is anonymous on our website
  • Forward and backward matching of your profiles
Firmenzukaufen.de GmbH
Industriestr. 6
97258 Gollhofen

Phone: +49(0)9339-991368
Fax: +49(0)9339-991369
HRB 15849 Amtsgericht Fürth
USt-IdNr.: DE310498453
