Profile number 66869

Werkzeugkasten umfangreiche Adressbestände

12/09/2017 Date added

Located in


General information


IT service

Type of company

IT services

Legal entity

Limited company

Type of transaction


Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE

< 5

Type of buyer

  • MBI candidate
  • Strategic acquisition

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 250.000 - € 500.000

Asking price

€ 100.000 - € 250.000

Earnings before taxes



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Werkzeugkasten umfangreiche Adressbestände
IT service
For sale
250.000 - 500.000
100.000 - 250.000
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  • Tell something about your background

Available capital

Please note: financing a business acquisition requires a minimum of 25% own contribution.

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