How it works

100% anonymous

Have you find the perfect company? Let us know and get a refund on the pending months.

25.000 subscribers to the newsletter

Every week about 25.000 subscribers receive our newsletter with the latest offers and demands.

Exposure for your company

You get the opportunity to expose your company as an associated partner.

How it works


Sell or buy your business now on the largest company takeover website in Europe and find the right match. Our company was established in 2002 and successfully matches supply and demand of companies on a large scale. If you have no successor for your company or if you are looking for a company to buy, you are at the right place!


Add a profile

You can create your profile in just a few minutes. Simply follow the steps to enter your information in the required fields. Every profile will be posted anonymously. The data we request is for registration purposes and to be able to reach you by telephone. We will never communicate this information externally. After you have entered your details, we will contact you by phone to discuss your profile and to verify the information you have provided. If correct, your profile will be approved and posted on our website. At that point, every interested candidate can respond to your profile.



If you would like to respond to an interesting profile, you simply fill in the requested fields. You only have to do this once. because every user is given a personal account. The next time you login with your account, your data will automatically be filled. If you click “Send”, the response appears in our system. We check the data and, if accurate, the response will be sent to the owner of the profile. The owner of the profile will decide how to respond. He or she will have 7 business days to do so. If after that time you still have not received a response, you can contact us and we will provide you with the company data or we will contact the profile’s owner. 



Once supply and demand are connected, we have a deal and our mission is complete. The profile can be removed from the website. You can do this yourself or contact us to remove your profile for you.


We have several interesting opportunities for advisers. You can take advantage of additional services such as a hidden section (which will only be visible to registered advisers), edit, change or remove your profiles, add profiles on your own company website or advertise.  And at a good price! For more information for advisers, go to this site.



Do you have questions or do you need help with editing your profile or response? If so, please contact us at: 0049 (0)9339-991368.