Profile number 107414

Successful sleep disorder beverage company for sale

25/01/2024 Date added

Located in


General information



Type of company

Medical devices industry

Legal entity

Private limited company

Type of transaction

To be determined

Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE

< 5

Type of buyer

  • MBI candidate
  • Strategic acquisition
  • Investor

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 250.000 - € 500.000

Asking price

€ 500.000 - € 1.000.000

Earnings before taxes

€ 100.000 - € 250.000

Company history/background

The company's history began with personal sleep disorders and the desire to help others facing similar challenges. The founder personally experienced sleep problems and recognized that many people were struggling as well. The search for natural solutions led to the development of the innovative sleep disorder beverage, which is now successfully positioned in the market. The idea was to create an effective and natural beverage that could help people achieve better sleep. In collaboration with the University of Zurich, a unique recipe was created, setting it apart from other products. The company established itself as a true problem solver, combating sleep disorders in a natural way. With a strong market presence and wide distribution channels, it has helped numerous individuals overcome their sleep problems. The company's story is marked by dedication and passion rooted in personal experiences.

Company activities

The company's activities focus on the research, development, and distribution of a natural sleep disorder beverage that effectively helps people overcome their sleep problems. The company works closely with experts and institutions such as the University of Zurich to incorporate the latest scientific findings and technologies into product development. The company places great emphasis on sustainability and the use of natural, high-quality ingredients. The sleep disorder beverage is marketed through various channels, including pharmacies, wholesale pharmacies, retail stores, and online platforms in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. To make the product accessible to a wide audience, the company employs targeted marketing strategies and collaborates with media partners.

Unique selling points
  • Natural sleep disorder beverage
  • Protected recipe
  • Collaboration with the University of Zurich
  • Wide market presence: pharmacies, wholesale, EDEKA, online platforms
  • Featured in TV formats
  • Gold medal winner at the IENA International Inventor Fair
  • A genuine problem solver, not a niche product
  • Flexibility in supplier and distribution contracts
  • Sustainable, high-quality ingredients
  • Authenticity and credibility through personal experiences

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Successful sleep disorder beverage company for sale
For sale
250.000 - 500.000
500.000 - 1.000.000

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Please note: financing a business acquisition requires a minimum of 25% own contribution.

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