Profile number 108116
07/01/2025 Date added
Located in
The Netherlands
Also interesting for this region (s)
All of the country
Service industry
Type of company
Travel agency
Legal entity
Foreign legal entity
Type of transaction
To be determined
Life phase enterprise
Employees in FTE
< 5
Type of buyer
Turnover last financial year
€ 1.000.000 - € 2.500.000
Asking price
To be agreed
Earnings before taxes
€ 250.000 - € 500.000
With 30 years of experience, the company is an established player with a solid reputation and long-standing relationships with both international clients and local service providers in the Netherlands and Belgium. These providers collaborate on transportation, accommodation, gastronomy, guide services, and more. This enables the company to include unique events in its programs, allowing participants to visit authentic destinations that few travelers get to see.
The company designs and organizes programs in the Netherlands and Belgium for renowned international clients. For travel agencies, companies, and non-profit organizations in the American and European markets, these are Special Interest Tours: travel experiences for high-end foreign groups with a shared passion, for example, architecture, culture, art, or history. Excursions and guide services are provided for a growing number of luxury river cruise ships.
The current owners have run the company together over the past decades, during which it has grown steadily into a reputable and stable business without active acquisition. However, to continue meeting the rapidly increasing demand of recent years, the organization has reached a point where the current operational setup needs to be adjusted, for example, by hiring staff. The current owners have reached the age where they need to consider their succession and therefore find it an opportune moment to transfer the company to a party capable of further scaling the organization. They will remain committed to the company as long as needed, gradually transferring their responsibilities to the buyer's team at the desired rate.
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